Well Spent Time At Home

While I work from home normally, I have always had a heavy travel schedule mixed in.  Travel is on hold for quite a while now due to COVID-19 and many events are canceled, stores are closed, and restaurants are curbside pickup or delivery only.  A lot of our conveniences are gone and we're all staying home and social distancing - at least we should be.

I may be in the minority, but I see this time at home as a gift.  When I travel a lot, projects and tasks at home begin to stack up, and before I know it, there's a very long list of to-dos. Also, this time at home is a much-needed break from packing and unpacking bags and doing other business travel life tasks.  I'm using this time to get some home projects done that have stacked up and also bring to life some personal projects that have been swirling around my head for years.  I'm taking time to relax and do things like watch a Netflix series, which normally takes me months to get through. 

At the end of this, whenever that may be and whatever that looks like, I want to look back and see that my time was utilized wisely.  Here is my list:

Garage:  Half of my garage has stuff in it.  It needs to be either donated/sold/thrown away or have a place to go to in my house.  I want a usable garage.

Storage unit:  I've been paying way too much for way too long to store items that did not fit in my house when I moved.  I already gave notice and will be out of there by May. Yay!

Spare bedrooms: It is amazing what can make its way into these rooms.  Now that I'm using one room for my personal office and Poshmark inventory, leaving the other for any guests, I'm decluttering both so they are usable.

Blog/Website:  I started one!  Its up and running!

Writing and Coaching - I have been writing, mainly journaling with writing ideas, for years now.  I have taken a couple writing classes at The Muse Writing Center and am now taking one on Creative Non-Fiction and Memoir.  Thankfully it was not canceled due to COVID-19, and we can finish it with online classes.  I also had the opportunity to get my Level 1 Life Coach certification, so I'm excited about offering coaching services in the near future!  Stay tuned!

How are you spending your time during this period of social distancing and staying home?  Are you also tackling a list or are you spending your time differently?


Establish a Morning Routine


A Greater Appreciation of Remote Work.